In order to receive a valid FICO Score, the credit report must have:
• At least one account opened for six months or more, and
• At least one account that has been reported to the credit bureau within the past six months, and
• No indication of deceased on the credit report
Small, secured and non-secured credit cards do not effect the FICO scores as quickly, and sometimes at all, as they have in the past. And, the accounts much age. 6 months OR MORE.
We also see the FICO score codes now listing not having accounts OVER $2,000.00 as a negative score factor.
At 700 Credit Repair, we have GUARANTEED RELATIONSHIPS with multiple credit card companies who guarantee our clients up to $5,000.00 in UNSECURED credit cards.
Check out our Credit Builder Plan by clicking here >>>>> TELL ME ABOUT THE CREDIT BUILDER PLAN!